We may not always like the prospect of getting older or the idea of living alone in our senior years,  but that doesn’t mean we have to stop participating in the activities we enjoy. Opportunities are plentiful for seniors who want to maintain an active lifestyle as they age.

Making social connections and keeping our minds active isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessity! Socializing and keeping busy is something that is very beneficial for our physical and mental well-being. So, it’s important to take advantage of the senior activities you enjoy to keep your muscles and circulatory system strong, stave off depression, anxiety, loneliness, and boredom and to keep your mind sharp.

What can we do to stay active on our own?

Often, the most difficult step of a journey is the first one. It’s tough to summon the courage to go out on your own. But once you start, things become easier, and we ask ourselves why we waited so long in the first place.

When we were younger, having a job and meeting people through our kids’ activities was a natural way to keep us involved in different social circles. Once you’re retired, it’s easy to just stay home. The bad news is that you don’t have a catalyst that requires you to get up every morning and head out the door for new adventures. The good news, however, is that you have a lot more free time and you can choose how you want to spend it! Every day has the potential to become a special day, and it’s up to you to not settle for less.

Don’t Shy Away From Solo Senior Activities

Here are 3 ways you can embrace solo senior activities every day!

Pick Up a Hobby

Solitude isn’t necessarily a negative thing. But the important thing is to do something positive instead of just letting the days and hours slip away. Prioritize things that interest you instead of just trying to get through the day. Instead of sitting in your living room watching television, dedicate that time to something constructive that makes you happy. Here are some examples:

  • Painting
  • Putting together puzzles
  • Quilting
  • An exercise routine
  • Writing in a journal
  • Playing games like Sudoku

Get Involved

Learn more about your community and give back by volunteering. Look for local volunteer opportunities or events in your area, contribute to a community garden, or assist with activities at your community center. It’s a great way to stay social, get out of the house more, and contribute to something you care about.

Venture Outdoors

Making an effort to spend more time outside can do wonders for your physical and mental health. Take a walk around your neighborhood, sit in nature at a park, or enjoy a cup of coffee on the patio of a local shop. Getting fresh air, interacting with others, and taking a moment to be in the present can boost your energy, improve your mood, and increase your appreciation for the life you are living.

Staying Social in Independent Living Communities

Bethesda offers a broad menu of senior support services to allow older adults of all levels of mobility and independence to live their lives to the fullest, whether they reside in their own home, in one of our beautiful independent living communities or in an assisted living setting. We can help you keep your social calendar full, make sure you have access – and transportation, if necessary – to medical care and provide you will all the resources you need to meet your needs and answer your questions. Contact us today to find out more about what Bethesda has to offer.

Find more ideas for fun senior activities on Bethesda’s blog!