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If you’re an adult child balancing care for your senior parents as well as your children or grandchildren while managing a career and other responsibilities, you’re among the growing population included in what’s known as the “sandwich generation.” All of these responsibilities can feel like a lot, and it can be hard to ask for help. It’s important to remember that you’re not alone, and it’s essential to take time for self-care because you need to replenish and recharge yourself for the days ahead.

Self-Care Strategies for Sandwich Generation Caregivers

It’s common for sandwich generation caregivers to put the needs of others above their own. However, taking care of yourself can have a large impact on your ability to care for others, so it’s essential to take steps to manage the unique stress that arises from caring for your parents and children or grandchildren.

Maintain a healthy diet.

The foods you put into your body provide you with the fuel you need to make it through your day. By maintaining a healthy diet filled with a variety of fruits, vegetables, proteins, and whole grains, you can help support your immune system and energy levels. And don’t forget to stay hydrated with plenty of water! Water is important to helping your body function properly. Skip sugary drinks such as sodas entirely, limit juice to a small glass a day, and be mindful of your caffeine intake because it could potentially make you feel jittery.

Stay active.

You’ve probably heard many times that regular exercise is beneficial for your health. But when there are many demands on your time each day, it can feel difficult to set aside the time necessary to exercise. Just remember: It’s never too late to start! Even setting aside a half hour to go for a brisk walk, practice yoga, do cardio, or swim can help improve your mood, relax your mind, and avoid or manage chronic conditions.

Make time for your friends.

Don’t underestimate the importance of spending quality time with friends. They can offer emotional support, provide a listening ear, alleviate stress, give you a sense of belonging, and be a necessary distraction from your numerous duties for a little while. Even scheduling time for lunch or dinner with close friends can help strengthen your support system and give yourself a break.

Engage in your hobbies.

What makes you happy? Whether it’s reading a book, painting, gardening, or scrapbooking, don’t let go of your favorite pastimes. Having interests and hobbies can give you the energy needed to support your family and maintain your identity, helping to prevent you from getting lost in your role as a sandwich generation caregiver. Hobbies can also give you something to look forward to that will fulfill and comfort you, and knowing that you’re doing something you love later in the day can bring a sense of relief.

Get plenty of sleep.

Getting plenty of sleep is important for everyone, but when you’re a sandwich generation caregiver, it’s especially important to make sure you’re getting enough quality sleep to prepare yourself for the days ahead. Sleep is essential for preventing exhaustion. When you’re exhausted, it can make it difficult to provide care. It’s also essential for helping your body fight infection. If you’re consistently not getting enough sleep, it will catch up with you and could lead to irritability, anxiety, and illness.

Ask for help.

It’s OK to ask for help. Delegating tasks such as meal preparation, grocery shopping, or housework to others who are able to assist you can help free up some of your time, allowing you to rest and recharge. You may also consider professional caregiving services, which can assist you with some of your tasks. Try not to perceive asking for help negatively. By delegating tasks or seeking support from professional caregiving services, you’re thinking of your parents’ security and well-being first and ensuring you have the tools and support you need.

Understand Your Options

Ensuring your parent has the support they need to thrive is important, but it can often feel overwhelming or confusing to understand what options are available to your family. With our quick, free independent living assessment, you can find out if independent living is the right choice for your loved one and gain a better understanding of the options available to you and what they offer.