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Bethesda Kiss The Cow FundraiserPucker up and close your eyes. Marcella Kuhn, Senior Wellness Partner with Bethesda Senior Support Solutions at Bethesda Terrace, smooched a cow as part of Bethesda’s annual Humanitarian Care Program: Hearts for Our Homes.


Every year, residents and employees of Bethesda Health Group come up with creative ways to raise funds for assistance to residents. These residents have exhausted their resources and can no longer pay for Bethesda services. At Bethesda Terrace, the main event is “Kiss the Cow.” Residents and employees vote with cash to select someone to spend a tender moment with a bovine friend.

IMGP0351This year, Marcella Kuhn was the lucky winner who had the most money raised in her name to perform in front of the assembled group at the Bethesda Terrace event. The event also featured a petting zoo with goats, a llama, a pony, a turtle and a pot belly pig. Resident and staff families enjoyed the animals and, of course, witnessing Kissing the Cow.

100_2881This year, the Hearts for Our Homes Campaign raised more than $83,000, all to ensure our seniors will always have a home at Bethesda regardless of their financial situation. Other Bethesda communities participated with fun events like Pie in the Face, Trivia Night, a Classic Car Show, raffles and dinners.

Learn more about Bethesda’s Humanitarian Care Program today.

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