Bethesda received $10,000 from the Charless Foundation to help fund Senior Support Solutions (SSS) stipends to benefit in-home care, transportation, and durable medical equipment for seniors who have financial hardship. With many seniors falling into weakening safety net for social services, they often cannot wait for the time it takes other resources to kick-in and provide assistance. This grant offers that short-term more and immediate assistance that seniors who are struggling financially may need.
“Senior Support Solutions offers personal services that allow seniors to continue to live independently. We are so appreciative that the Charless Foundation has availed us with funds to help seniors who do not have the resources to pay for in-home services,” says Michelle Glass, Corporate Vice President of Senior Living and In-Home Services.
Founded in 1853 as the Charless Home “Home of the Friendless,” in its latter years the Charless Home provided independent living, assisted living, and skilled nursing for as many as 116 residents. The Charless Home closed in 2012. Today, the Charless Foundation Board supports under-resourced older adults in residential facilities and in a range of other senior programming, and is a component fund of the St. Louis Community Foundation.