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On a sunny November afternoon, a group of male Bethesda residents gather in the dining room. James Taylor’s “Country Road” plays from a speaker as the group enjoys popcorn and Bud Light, and chats about the upcoming St. Louis Blues hockey game. The monthly “men-only get-together is in full swing.

Longtime Bethesda volunteer Bob Morris and his friend Tom Smith founded the group in 2008. Originally, the group met once a month to watch movies. As more male residents moved in, they started participating in a variety of activities and outings.

Residents and roommates Ron Golubski and Dave Large have attended meetings since they moved in during the spring of 2021. “These communities are predominantly female, so it’s nice to meet and connect with other men who share our interests,” Ron says.

Dave adds, “This was made for us.”

The gatherings typically include up to 20 residents. Staff members roll out a golf putting mat and bring treats during indoor meetings. When the weather is nice, the group ventures outside to do things such as visit local wineries and restaurants.

“These guys beam every time we find something new and fun to do,” Bob says. “It’s great to see them come to life.”

The group has also toured Soldiers Memorial Military Museum and the Missouri Civil War Museum. “A lot of us are Veterans, which gives us something to bond over and keeps us close,” Bob says.