As we enjoy the final weeks of summer and prepare for milder temperatures and beautiful foliage, it’s time for us to enjoy the outdoors. After all, nature – that great restorer of mind, body, and soul – is waiting! Whether you’re living in your own home or a retirement community, you can improve your health in a number of ways by taking part in nature activities in the great outdoors.

What Nature Activities Provide

Our cognitive health is enhanced by interacting with nature and the people around us. The brain enjoys a break from its usual routine, which helps us refocus and re-energize. Plus, our stress and anxiety diminishes as our energy increases. More movement and less worry mean a fitter body and healthier sleep, which translates to a strengthened immune system and less susceptibility to frailty. Additionally, studies suggest that living in or near greener spaces can boost mental health and even extend life expectancy.

Many Options to Get Outside

You don’t have to go on a challenging hike to reap the benefits of exploring nature. There are many ways you can spend time outside and still make the most of the experience. Here are some suggestions for fun nature activities:


A walk, brisk or slow, can improve your mood and your circulation, decrease your cholesterol levels, lower your blood pressure, improve your breathing, increase your metabolism, and make you feel good about accomplishing all of the above. It is also a great way to socialize with a friend or neighbor who walks with you.

Sitting outside 

If going for a walk is not your style, then you’ll be happy to learn that sitting outside on your deck or patio has its health benefits, too. As you relax, your blood pressure lowers, your stress hormones are reduced, and you give yourself time to put things in perspective.


Pair being outdoors with the physical activity of gardening, and the benefits are twofold. Along with the mental and emotional benefits, you burn calories, strengthen muscles, and – as some studies show – lower the risk of dementia. Planters can add so much personality to your outdoor space, and lead you to enjoy the outdoors even more. You can also bring the outdoors indoors with indoor gardening. Succulents do well indoors, as do plants in a terrarium. If you have a table you aren’t using, fill it with greenery.

Bird Feeding

Even if a senior has limitations to how often they can get outdoors, a bird feeder close to a window can bring some of the wonder of nature into your home. Birds put on a never-ending show of feeding, flying, and singing. Adding a bird book to help identify and learn more about the birds that use the feeder adds interest to a rewarding mental activity.

Enjoying Time Near Water

There is something soothing about the sight and sound of water. Streams, rivers, lakes, ponds — water has long been associated with a sense of meditation. Stress flows out and serenity flows in, along with the aforementioned physical and emotional benefits of nature.

Picnic or party outdoors

Enjoy the healing of the outdoors shared with family and friends. Stress, as well as the risk of depression due to isolation, is reduced when sharing time and laughter with loved ones. Research has shown that laughter can help relieve pain, reduce the level of stress hormones, lead to a positive mood, and even increase immunity.

Play games

While you are at a picnic or party, playing lawn games like horseshoes, bean bag or ring toss, washers, or croquet is good for the body, and friendly competition is good for the mind!

To learn more about healthy hobbies and activities for seniors, visit Bethesda’s Health & Wellness blog.