Touching the Lives of Seniors
Giving to the Bethesda Health Group Foundation significantly impacts the lives of our seniors in numerous ways. Your support helps us offer an enhanced quality of life to a generation of loved ones during their senior years.
Your Impact
With an investment of $40, and a compassionate and generous vision of a home devoted to caring for elderly women, Elizabeth and Roger Hayne, along with their friend Dr. Edward Saunders, created in 1889 what has expanded into today’s Bethesda Health Group.
Even though the world has changed dramatically since then, each of us still has the power to impact the lives of individuals as they age. Through your tax-deductible gift to the Bethesda Health Group Foundation, you not only help us maintain the excellence of our services, but you ensure that our residents, even those who outlive their ability to pay, can continue to call Bethesda home for as long as they desire.

Friends & Supporters
Selecting Bethesda as their philanthropic organization of choice has made all the difference for our friends, supporters, and residents. Here’s why some of our Friends & Supporters chose Bethesda!
Programs I Can Support
Not only does Bethesda cherish every dollar you give, we empower you to select how and where your gift will be used. You can choose from various gift programs, each with its own area of focus, its own unique way of improving life at Bethesda, and its own reward to both you and the recipients.
What I Can Give
Just as numerous ways exist to support the Bethesda mission, you have numerous options/choices when it comes to giving. From one-time or annual donations to planned gifts, we can help you arrange for the gift of your choice. Because no matter how you give—or how much—you can be rest assured that your gift will be carefully managed, and your generosity will be treasured, by all of us at Bethesda.
We Welcome Professional
Advisors: Partner with Us
In your work as a professional advisor, you value professionalism, integrity and honesty when serving your clients. As a nonprofit organization, Bethesda shares your values, and our team at the Bethesda Foundation consistently adheres to the same commitment to excellence when helping our donors plan charitable gifts We welcome you to utilize use these tools as you help your clients, and feel free to contact us for more information or assistance.