Who We Are
To be a member of the Bethesda Women’s Board is to make a difference in the lives of the residents and patients in our Bethesda communities. While our gatherings are filled with laughter and friendship, the ultimate purpose of the Women’s Board is to support Bethesda’s mission of providing quality care and services to our residents and patients regardless of their ability to pay.
Membership is $300 and is renewed every January. Membership dues are utilized to fund vital pieces of medical equipment, small renovation projects or special requests that enhance the lives of Bethesda seniors.
Members attend Spring and Fall Luncheons at the private Deer Creek Club in Ladue. During the Spring Luncheon, voting occurs to select which item/project to fund. At the Fall Luncheon, members learn how their gifts are being utilized to impact the lives of our residents and patients. Each luncheon features a special guest speaker. Past speakers include Dr. Toni Kutchan from the Danforth Plant Science Center; Shannon Meyer, Senior Curator of the Missouri History Museum; Ira J. Kodner, M.D., Emeritus Professor of Surgery; Terry Schnuck, Broadway Producer, and more!
Membership Benefits
- Spring and Fall Board Luncheons – transportation from Bethesda retirement communities available
- Invitation to the “All Boards” dinner at the Algonquin Golf Club
- Recognition in Bethesda’s Annual Report
- Volunteer Opportunities
- The ability to positively impact the lives of our Bethesda residents!
Become a Member of the Bethesda Women’s Board Today!
Contact the Bethesda Health Group Foundation with questions at 314-800-1981 or LLSanders@bethesdahealth.org.
Bethesda Women’s Board 2024 Annual Gifts
Autoharp — Gifted to Bethesda Dilworth
Music provides a sense of comfort and peace, and it is believed to aid in the healing process. Bethesda Dilworth residents and patients will now get to enjoy the sounds of the autoharp gifted by the Bethesda Women’s Board.
Raised Garden Beds — Gifted to Pacific Place
This formerly unused area on Pacific Place’s property now features a beautiful landscape of flowers, herbs, and vegetables with these raised garden beds for residents to take pride in.
2024 Holiday Party at Bethesda Southgate
Click on a Photo Below to View the Whole Gallery.

Bethesda Women’s Board Members
- Sara Arn
- Karen Bacon
- Laura Baumstark
- Betty Bitter
- Bobbi Boley
- Susan Brinker
- Carla Britton
- Candice Brown
- Sharon Burkhardt
- Eileen Caffey
- Barbara Clements
- Chris Crouch
- Jean Curry
- Jo Durham
- Susan Fagan
- Joann Folluo
- Laura Frame
- Susan Galloway
- Margaret Ganyard
- Michelle Glass
- Shirley Graham
- Diane Grooms
- Angie Heumann
- Susan Higgins
- Juanita Hinshaw
- Christy James
- Jodie Johnson
- Kathy Joslin
- Pat Kapsar
- Mary Kirschman
- Joan Langenberg
- Susan Logie
- Katherine Lupo
- Ann McCandless
- Lydia Meier
- Lisa Meyer
- Susan Moore
- Pam Mosca
- Mary Nielsen
- Penny Northern-Phanse
- Julie Okenfuss
- Rosemary Oliver
- Sharon Poe
- Julie Poelker
- Jen Popp
- Judy Portnoy
- Juliette Reed
- Anita Rooney
- Joyce Ross
- Ginny Rowe
- Linda Sanders
- Rita Scherer
- Tammy Sengheiser
- Mary Sertl
- Carol Szweda
- Carole Teubner
- Joan Tiemann
- Andrea Tripp
- Susan Turner
- Sue Voorhees
- Georgee Waldman
- Carrie Wetzel
- Gloria Wotka
- Jackie Yoon
- Sarah Zimmerman
- Lisa Zoia