Elizabeth Hayne Society
Back in 1889, before the discovery of penicillin or the advent of aspirin, Bethesda began serving the St. Louis community by providing care to those unable to care for themselves. Mrs. Elizabeth Hayne opened the Bethesda Home for the Aged with her husband, Roger Hayne, and their friend, Dr. Edward Saunders. They cared for abandoned infants, unwed mothers, and elderly women suffering from the devastating ailments of the day. Mrs. Hayne went on to serve as Bethesda’s first President, a role she later revisited at the age of 84.
Become a Member of the Elizabeth Hayne Society
Just like Elizabeth Hayne herself, members of the Elizabeth Hayne Society are dedicated to the mission of providing all levels of exceptional care to the elderly regardless of their financial resources. Our members make annual cumulative gifts of $1,000 or more, helping to provide direct care to qualified Bethesda seniors who require home health, at-home services, hospice care, or financial assistance to remain in their beloved Bethesda home.
Elizabeth Hayne Society Giving Levels
Caregivers $1,000-$2,499
Can provide compassionate, end-of-life care for a Bethesda senior in a specialized Hospice suite for 30 days.
Heroes $2,500-$4,999
Can provide Home Health Care for as many as five Bethesda seniors suffering from a systemic lack of access to healthcare.
Humanitarians $5,000-$9,999
Can provide humanitarian assistance for up to three Bethesda residents so they may continue living independently in their Bethesda homes.
Angels $10,000+
Can provide seven chronically unemployed and under employed young adults to develop their career path in senior healthcare at Bethesda.
Benefits of Joining
- Invitation to annual Elizabeth Hayne Society Luncheon
- Health screenings and educational events
- Free flu shot
- Recognition in Bethesda Annual Report
Become a Member of the Elizabeth Hayne Society Today!
Contact the Bethesda Health Group Foundation with questions at 314-800-1981 or LLSanders@bethesdahealth.org.
Elizabeth Hayne Society Charter Members
July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023
- Jerry Ahillen and Mark DeJaynes
- AON Risk Solutions Services
- Sarah and Jerry Arnold
- Bank of America Merrill Lynch
- Bartels-Missey, Inc.
- Tom W. Bennett Irrevocable Trust
- Bernal T. Chomeau Private Foundation
- Bieg Plumbing Company
- BioTech X-Ray
- Daniel and Blanche Bordley Fund for Bethesda
- Susan and Joe Brinker
- Candice Brown
- Leo R. Buder Foundation Trust
- Charlotte Busch
- Laura and Roger Byrne
- Eileen and David Caffey
- Central Solutions, Inc.
- Barbara and George Clements
- Mary Alice Collins Memorial Fund
- Jennifer and Thomas Collins
- Common Ground Public Relations
- Concordance Health Solutions
- CORE Properties
- Joan and Dave Culver
- Olive A. Dempsey Charitable Trust
- Robyn Duffey-Rogers and Mark Rogers
- Josephine and Edward Durham
- East Missouri Foundation
- ECB Rx
- EmpowerMe Wellness
- Enterprise Holdings
- Ellen and James Esther
- Evans & Dixon
- Ferguson Roofing Company
- David Fleisher
- Mary Poore Fobes Trust
- Laura Frame
- Casey Gerhard
- Michelle Glass
- Ronald Glossop
- Greystone
- Margaret B. Grigg Foundation
- Sam and Justina Halley Foundation
- Earle Harbison, Jr.
- Susan Higgins
- Juanita Hinshaw
- Charmaine Hurford
- Judy and Phil Hutchison
- Imperial Dade
- Integrated Facility Services
- ISC Contracting
- Pat Kapsar
- Patty and Michael Keller
- Lucy and Kevin Klingler
- Peter Krombach
- Marcia Lange
- Lawrence Group
- Tamara Lee
- Matrixcare
- Hetty and Gary Mayes
- Lydia and Dale Meier
- Jennifer and Todd Meury
- Midwest Elevator Co.
- Midwest Staffing Solutions
- Missouri Terrazzo
- Susan and Michael Moore
- New Balance Athletics
- Jill and Lawrence Nolan
- Penny Northern-Phanse
- Paradigm New Media Group
- Paric Corporation
- Ida and Fred Perabo
- Kiel Peregrin
- Marilyn and Charles Perkins
- Phoenix Textile Corporation
- Jennifer and Chris Popp
- Susan Rassieur Buder Memorial Trust
- Cathleen and Mark Reifsteck
- Viola J. Reynolds Trust
- Anita and Patrick Rooney
- Ginny and John Rowe
- Sandberg, Phoenix & von Gontard
- Linda and Todd Sanders
- Sansone Group
- Select Rehabilitation
- Mary and James Sertl
- Mary and Walter Stafford
- A Storage Inn
- Wanda Terrell and Fred Falker
- Thompson Coburn
- Andrea and Louis Tripp
- Unidine Senior Living Culinary Group
- Georgee and Jeff Waldman
- Colleen and Dave Wasinger
- WellDyne
- Carrie and Rob Wetzel
- Kelsey and Matthew Wisniewski
- John M. Wolff Foundation
- Julia and Thomas Wood
- Jackie Yoon
- Ziegler
Society Member Luncheon 2023