Welcome to the October edition of Wisdom with Age, designed to educate and inspire.

Give Your Health a Boost this Fall

As the days get shorter and the temperatures drop, change is in the air. That's what makes fall a great time for renewal and fresh starts. It's a great opportunity for us to take stock of where we're at and where we're going, as well as introducing new healthy habits and giving our health a boost this fall.

Fall Foods & Nutrition Tips for Senior Diet Plans

October is the time of year when people significantly change their eating habits. And, it's a good opportunity for older adults, and those creating senior diet plans, to pause and think about diet and nutrition to ensure they stay well throughout the year. Check out these tips on senior diet plans as the seasons change.

Strengthen Your Immune System: The 4 Key Factors 

By keeping your immune system in tip-top shape, you can increase your chances of staying healthy and active all season long. Here are some tips to boost your immunity and stay healthy throughout the year.

8 Secrets of People Who Exercise Regularly

Can't seem to find the motivation to exercise? Check out these secrets from people who exercise regularly and how you can fit them into your daily routine!

Older Adults Live Longer & Happier at Retirement Communities

Living in a retirement community provides many older adults with a higher quality of life, and studies indicate seniors living in retirement communities may be living longer and stronger. Explore the benefits of independent retirement communities.

Why Autumn is a Great Season to Move to an Assisted Living Community

When deciding on when the best time for moving into assisted living, not all months are created equal. Here are four reasons why the fall season is the perfect time for making the move to an assisted living community.

8 Frightfully Fun Halloween Treats & Activities for Seniors

Making Halloween treats and crafts is a great way for families to spend time with loved ones of all ages. We're sharing our favorite Halloween activities for older adults - check out the list!